Still Report #843 – Fins Debate Euro Exit Petition

from Bill Still

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Euro-skeptic parliamentarians in Finland are supporting a referendum to get out of the Euro before it drags Finland into even deeper economic troubles.
The anti-Euro MPs say that Finland cannot escape the slow-rolling Euro collapse unless it exits the Euro and returns to the Finnish markka – the money that the Euro replaced in 2002.
Why? Because they do not have control over the quantity – or in government talk – they lack an independent monetary policy.
Six days ago, the Finnish parliament took up a rare pre-initiative debate in response to 53,000 fins signing a petition to put the issue up for a vote in parliament – that would be the equivalent of 3.2 million Americans signing a petition.
The petition comes after 3 years of economic contraction in Finland – better known as a Depression – with rising unemployment and ever-tighter austerity measures by government.
The petition would need to pass several stages before being put to a vote before the entire parliament. Next, it will be debated in a relevant committee.
We encourage the Fins to keep our audience informed of the steps along the way. Last month alone, 1,410 Fins tuned into this channel – at a time when it was almost exclusively devoted to the U.S. Presidential race.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.