More Americans Living With Parents Than With a Romantic Partner For First Time Since 1880

by Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg

The impact of America’s putrid and corrupt oligarchy continues to make its destructive presence felt across the land. As we learned earlier this month in the post, Pew Research Study – The American Middle Class Declined in 90% of Metro Areas From 2000-2014:

The Pew Research Center recently released a fascinating study which showed what many of us already suspected, that the U.S. middle class has declined in 90% of metropolitan areas from 2000-2014, or in 203 of 229 areas studied.

It’s what I like to call the Hunger Games economy. You’re thrown into the woods with a diminishing capacity to work hard and earn a middle income, and if you fail to enter the upper echelons you’ll be reduced to poverty.

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