May 2016: Gold & Gold Stock Correction- Buy The Dip? Or Major Crash Coming?

from WallStForMainSt

lass=”” >Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St did a short video talking about technical analysis articles discussing gold and gold stocks and how they differ. Despite what many traders claim, technical analysis is very subjective wither different traders weighing different technical indicators or support/resistance levels differently. Here’s some articles proving this:

1) http://blog.kimblechartingsolutions.c…

2) http://blog.kimblechartingsolutions.c…

3) Peter Brandt Tweets from May 24th about Gold


Jason then talks about how under-owned gold, silver and gold stocks still are compared to other assets. Jason discusses the fundamentals of the gold market that Wall St and many stock traders are missing.

Central Banks Large Net Buyers of Gold:……

Chinese Gold Miners on the Prowl for more gold mining acquisitions:…