LCMI Drops For 4th Consecutive Month!

by Chuck Butler
Daily Pfennig

Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Our Blues missed an opportunity to win a series in front of the home ice crowd last night… UGH! Now it goes to a Game 7 in Dallas… Game 7’s are very special in any sport that has a best of 7 series. Rod Stewart greets me this morning with his mega hit song: Maggie May.. Or find myself a rock-n-roll band that needs a helping hand… I liked all the “early” Rod Stewart stuff, not the “disco years” stuff… Hot Legs? Come on Rod, you were better than that! But I’m sure he made a few million on that song, so I guess he has the last laugh!

OK… I have to question the sanity of our county’s leaders here… I just saw on TV that we spent a very large sum of money on a study to find out how many shakes it took for a wet dog to become dry… Are you kidding me?

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