Harvey Organ’s Daily Gold & Silver Report – 2016.05.16

Open interests in both gold and silver remain at high levels and that necessitated another raid orchestrated by our criminal bankers/Deutsche bank needs to offer 5% yield for 3 months on deposits/China’s largest bank purchases Barclay’s gold vault (can store up to 2,000 tonnes of gold)/China’s largest bank now owns 2/3 of the major vaults in London England/The top 300 executives in England are voting to leave the EU/Venezuela in total anarchy

by Harvey Organ
Harvey Organ’s Blog

[…] Today we witnessed gold and silver rising throughout last night, and during the early comex hours. However once London was put to bed, the crooks raided gold and silver/

In gold over 18,000 contracts were supplied at the comex by the criminal bankers over a 10 minute period (over 2.3 billion dollars worth of gold) and this knocked gold down from $1287.80 down to $1273.00. The bankers supplied enough paper to knock out all bids driving the price to its low point of the day.We are going to see continual raids like this as our banker friends are quite paranoid with gold’s strength. We need to see gold rise and pierce the $1308.00 level: (the previous high for gold in January 2015). The gold will be off to the raceway!

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