by Kipin Alexander
Daily Pfennig
Good Day. And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! The rain has stopped for now. Yesterday, when I left the office, the rain was blowing sideways, and it was cold. The walk across the bridge made me think it was November. And certainly not May! An awful night sports-wise for our town, as both the Blues and Cardinals lost! UGH! They win together, and lose together is sure seems. Scorpion greets me this morning with their arena rock ballad: Still Loving You. A very good song I must say! And the fave song of a certain friend of mine. Right, Laura Lou?
Well, the softness of the dollar the first day and next morning this week, really got tossed to the side of the road yesterday, and the dollar bugs were set free! I told you that there were some Fed members due to speak this week, and yesterday the duo of Williams and Lockhart sang from the same song sheet, and talked about rate hikes.