Was The Fed. Just Given The Launch Codes?

by Mark St.Cyr
Mark St.Cyr

Let me be clear right from the outset: this is not an article about politics when it comes to whose guy or gal is currently seated or running. This is about the current state of affairs as it pertains to business; how they seem to be in motion; and, how it may affect one’s business, or, business in general. As for the “who’s in,” or “who’s out” – that’s for others to debate.

So, with that said, I want to outline a few developing issues that have the potential (true potential, not the hyperbolic) for outright disruption of all business as we know it. And no – not the type of “disruption” that emanates from the tech world. No, this one is far more disruptive, and, has implications for not only the business world, but the citizenry as well. After all: if you don’t think a business disruption can wreak havoc quickly – watch how fast calamity ensues once it’s realized a lowly roll of toilet paper will no longer be available.

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