Epic Bust in Oil Leads to 3rd Qtr of Shrinking US Earnings

from Boom Bust

lass=”” >French President Francois Hollande threatened to block the TTIP; Ameera David weighs in. Then, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the parallels between the oil crisis and the telecom bust. Afterwards, RT’s Marina Portnaya reports on the economic fallout from Brazil’s worst environmental disaster involving Brazil’s Vale and Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton.

After the break, Ameera sits down with Lenore Hawkins to talk about the tricky investment climate, given US corporate revenues are contracting for the fifth consecutive quarter. And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss the desire to inject liquidity into the US government bond market and the coming election in Spain.

Take a look!

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