by Chuck Butler
Daily Pfennig
Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you… What an absolutely beautiful weather-wise weekend here in St. Louis we just had.. WOW… I call those Chamber of Commerce days, that if they continued, it would become too expensive to live here! My dad used to say something to me on days like we just had.. He would say to me, “Chuck, they don’t have days like this in the Soviet Union”… Get it? I tried that line on my son years ago, and he didn’t get it, for the Soviet Union was no more. Today is my grandson Braden Charles Butler’s 5th Birthday! Moore on that later.. This will be very short today, as I’ve been up most of the night with a very bad stomach. In fact, as soon as I send to the reviewers I’m heading back to bed, and Mike Meyer will take it from there! The Moody Blues greet me this morning with a perfect “morning song” When You’re A Fee Man Again, from the Seventh Sojourn album…