Additional Evidence Emerges That U.S. Government Officials Intentionally Whitewashed the Saudi Role in 9/11

by Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg

[…] Critics of my repeated focus on highlighting the Saudi role in 9/11 claim that anything revealed in the “28 pages” will be marginal at best, leaving many of the most important questions surrounding the attacks shrouded in secrecy. I agree. What I disagree with is the conclusion that aggressively pursuing a declassification of the 28 pages is therefore meaningless.

There’s almost always a underlying reason behind my relentless pursuit of certain topics. One of the key purposes of this website is to chronicle the myriad examples of U.S. government lies, corruption and criminality on behalf of a handful of insiders at the expense of the citizenry. This is because I agree wholeheartedly with Thomas Jefferson when he wrote to Charles Yancey:

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