by Rick Ackerman
The Wall Street Journal put out a full-court press of inflation blather yesterday, shilling the Fed and a mainstream consensus that higher prices for everything loom in our future. Here’s one of the headlines from Wednesday’s edition: ‘Yes, Central Banks Can Create Inflation. Just Ask Argentina”. And here’s the headline I would offer in response: ‘No, Central Banks Cannot Create Inflation. Just Ask Europe and Japan’. The other headline, atop a column by one Ken Brown, read as follows: ‘No One Believes It, but Inflation Is a Pretty Good Bet’. In response, I offer the chart above. If inflation were coming, the long-term bond would reflect it with a bearish chart (bond yields correlate inversely with price). Does the chart look bearish? Not hardly. Even to someone who knows nothing about charts, T-bond futures look like they are headed to the moon.