by Andrew Hoffman
Miles Franklin
First, a “full court press” on the Cartel – as I will NOT allow them to get away with what they have pulled the past week, without it being properly called out. In my view, 14 years of such documentation – from myself, GATA, and others – has unquestionably enabled the TRUTH to be circulated to “big” and “small money” alike; and thus, accelerated the inevitable end game of freely traded markets. Plus, it empowers readers the world round, to see through the lies, and act to protect themselves.
That said, keep in mind that today is one of the biggest “key attack events” ever, given the duel Cartel threats of today’s COMEX options expiration – undoubtedly, countless $17/oz silver call options are open; and tomorrow’s potential “day of Central bank infamy,” as first the Fed, and then the Bank of Japan, issue updated policy statements.