Harvey Organ’s Daily Gold & Silver Report – 2016.04.15

Open interest in the silver comex rises to 192,629 a multi year high despite the low price in silver/gold and silver equities advance/Chinese junk bond bubble m collapse has risk rises exponentially/USA industrial production falters badly. U of Michigan consumer confidence index plummets as goes Gallup/Roby Kirby: a must see interview/financial turmoil just struck midnight!!

by Harvey Organ
Harvey Organ’s Blog

[…] Yesterday you all heard about the settlement of a class action lawsuit filed against the banks on gold and silver manipulation. The bank that settled was Deutsche bank.

As I stated yesterday on this huge story:

“The real question is what prompted DB to settle? Could they have received a little tap on the shoulder from the Bundesbank, angry that gold is not coming their way these past 3 months from the FRBNY as promised? Could this be the reason that they jumped at the settlement and not only that they are willing to spill the beans on the fellow manipulators.

Something big is happening behind to scenes!

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