by Jeff Berwick
Dollar Vigilante
Hello from Anarchapulco,
It was quite a whirlwind week for me (and that explains the lack of blogs this week).
I began by speaking at the Global Financial Summit in the Bahamas where I gave a workshop on Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer (PT) theory. Those who came to the TDV Summit in Acapulco last month know that I came down with Dengue Fever during the event and missed giving that speech as I ended up hooked up to IVs during that time slot… but will be happy to know we recorded it in the Bahamas and it will be free to view for all attendees of our conference (and available as part of a package with all speeches at the conference, being released next week).
I then moved on to Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago where I was nearly immediately arrested upon arrival because of my pants. Yes, you read that right. My pants were highly illegal in Trinidad.