How Janet Yellen Now Controls the Global Economy

For those looking for a solution to this situation, the answer is obvious. Run (don’t walk) away from the banksters’ rigged game. Every step toward disassocating yourself from the bankster system is a step away from this insanity.

by James Corbett
The International Forecaster

As I write these words we are now only hours away from The Most Important Event Ever to Happen in the History of the Global Economy. Investors are bracing themselves. Markets are anticipating. Journalists are spilling Olympic sized swimming pools of ink on writing headline after headline after headline after headline after headline after headline about this, the deciding economic event of our time.

[…] No, the great event is not the announcement of the discovery of free energy. Or a major new technological breakthrough that will revolutionize industry and increase productivity. Or even an innovative new theory for how to pull us from the brink of the global derivative black hole collapse. It’s something entirely more ordinary: words.

That’s right, with just a few magic words uttered at today’s meeting of the Economic Club of New York, Fed chair Janet Yellen will cause entire markets to rise or fall. A single declarative sentence could strike down a small country. An effusive adjective could cause an entire industry to boom, a disparaging remark could cause that same industry to collapse. A rising intonation, an arched eyebrow, a significant pause, even a semi-colon could be the difference between rags and riches for millions of workers around the world.

Sound ridiculous? It is. Yet nevertheless this is the situation we’ve arrived at.

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