Must Read: Ben Stein’s Eulogy to the USA – “Goodbye America”

Popular actor and economist slams “the Biden–Orwell–Soros omni-dictatorship”

by Kelen McBreen
Info Wars

Famed actor and economist Ben Stein recently published a piece eulogizing our great nation in his weekly online diary.

Titled, “Goodbye America,” the farewell letter to the Republic condemns the modern corporate-run government and its authoritarian censorship.

“We have no Constitution,” Stein announced in his subheadline. “July 2021. A month that will live in infamy. If there is such a thing as ‘history’ in the Biden–Orwell–Soros omni-dictatorship, July 2021 will mark the month that the Constitution, the ‘greatest work ever thrown off by the hand and mind of man,’ as Gladstone put it, was thrown into the Ministry of Truth Memory Hole.”

The well-known lawyer explained that July marks the month the “superpowers of the tech world, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo, admitted to working with the Biden/NKVD administration to suppress free speech.”

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