How the Election Was Stolen in Michigan

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

It is December and time for my quarterly request for your financial support for your website.

To remind, this website is the product of your request. After I resigned my syndicated column, I enjoyed two months of retirement before you called me back. I agreed to going back to work on the condition that you support my efforts. Support rose over time, but in 2020 it declined, with one-third of monthly donors on pause and little response to my quarterly requests. I assume lockdowns have caused loss of income and security for people, which reduces support for this website. As the Establishment is trying to renew and expand the lockdowns, the website’s funding can become problematical.

In contrast to support, readership was risen strongly. As I write this morning of December 2, 2020, the website is currently being read in real time in 72 countries. On some days it is read in 109 countries. That is just this website.

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