Sidney Powell Gives Details About the Election Fraud Kraken

by Andrea Widburg
American Thinker

A few days ago, Sidney Powell said the Trump team would release the Kraken (a mythical giant squid that shatters sailing ships) against the election results that claim that Biden won. On Sunday, Powell spelled out what this Trump Kraken looks like — and she vouches for its existence. Based on the details she imparted, the Biden dinghy (for it’s certainly not a ship of state) isn’t just going to take on water; it’s going to a long deserved rendezvous with Davy Jones’s locker.

Powell, who has been working to save General Flynn from the morass his first attorneys, who were compromised, led him into, is now part of President Trump’s post-election team. On Friday, she appeared on the Lou Dobbs show and memorably said, “I’m going to release the Kraken.”

The problem is that we Trump-supporters have been hearing many promises to expose election fraud.

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