Media Celebrates After Trump’s Pro-Gold Fed Nominee Gets Blocked

by Stefan Gleason

“Kamala Harris Rushes Back to Washington to Block Trump From Putting a Crank on the Fed Board,” blared a headline from Slate. The article smeared Shelton as a “crank who wants to return to the gold standard and get rid of deposit insurance.”

NPR, somewhat more diplomatically, derided Shelton for “her unorthodox support for the gold standard, a theory long discarded by mainstream economists.”

Meanwhile, NBC News also parroted the party line about Shelton. She is, we are told, “known for her unorthodox support for the gold standard, an archaic policy concept to which no developed economies today adhere.”

The vast majority of financial journalists lack the intellectual curiosity to seek out the actual views of sound money advocates. Those who tread too indelicately on the gold-suppressing banking cartel are simply blacklisted by major media outlets – as has been the fate of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee.

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