Will the Stock Market Be Dragged to the Guillotine?

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

The Fed’s rigged-casino stock market will be dragged to the guillotine by one route or another.

The belief that the Federal Reserve and its rigged-casino stock market are permanent and forever is touchingly naive. Never mind the existential crises just ahead; the financial “industry” (heh) projects unending returns of 7% per year, or is it 14% per year? Never mind the details, the Fed has our back and since the Fed is forever, so too will be the gains for everyone playing the rigged games in the Fed’s casino.

What makes this presumption so childishly naive is the tides of history are about to sweep away the era of central banks, their fiat currencies and their rigged casino markets. That the global citizenry might realize these are all forms of financial tyranny doesn’t occur to to the Financial Aristocracy, which has luxuriated in the neofeudal dominance of finance–the modern-era equivalent of Monarchy and the rights of royalty.

Under the guidance of the Financial Aristocracy, so-called democratic governance has mutated into totalitarian democracy, that is, a “democracy” in name only, a carefully managed simulacrum that props up a facade of “democracy” that is pure PR.

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