CNN’s Sanjay Gupta: Trump Doctors, Team Are ‘Purposely Misleading’ – ‘They Are Hiding Things’

by Pam Key

CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said on Sunday after the latest press conference from President Donald Trump’s doctors outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that White House physician Dr. Sean Conley was “purposely misleading” the public about the president’s condition.

Gupta added Trump’s team “are hiding things.”

Anchor Tapper said, “Some interesting comments from Commander Conley, who before this episode had an impeccable reputation. He was asked why he didn’t give all the information yesterday, and he said he was trying to, I’m quoting, trying to reflect the upbeat attitude of the team and not give any information that would steer the course of his illness. Is that what a physician is supposed to do?”

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