14 Absolutely Horrible Things That Were Said About Trump After He Was Diagnosed

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

There was a time when a moment like this would have brought the entire nation together in unity. Decades ago, news that the president of the United States was the victim of a deadly virus and had been rushed to the hospital would have been received with grave seriousness. But in 2020, much of the population responded to the news that President Trump had been infected by the coronavirus with jokes, sarcasm and death wishes. In fact, there were so many death wishes for Trump on Facebook and Twitter that major news outlets all over the U.S. were doing news stories about it. We have never seen anything like this before, and it says a lot about where we are headed as a nation.

And it just wasn’t random Internet trolls that were reacting this way. Activists, celebrities and well known campaign officials all decided that this was an appropriate moment to say some absolutely horrible things about Trump. Here are 14 examples…

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