The Joys of Diversity and Multicullturalism Have Come Home to Roost

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Hi Dumbshit American. Have you had enough of diversity and multiculturalism? If not, vote a Democrat president, and the second wave of peaceful protests will loot and burn down your homes and neighborhoods. Be sure you understand that diversity means no more white statues and white history, because they are racist. Multiculturalism means no more white civilization, which is racist. You may have to give up your language as well, because English is racist.

I have been telling you for years that you are living The Camp of the Saints. Having failed to become aware, you have no idea what is happening. When it finally dawns on you, it will be too late.

The anti-white, white presstitute national media have not told you what is going on. The official line is that a few peaceful protests have been marred by white supremacists sneaking in among the peaceful protesters and causing violence in order to discredit blacks.

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