They Want to Make “Social Distancing” a Permanent Part of Our Lives

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Humans are inherently social creatures, and that is never going to change. Within each one of us there is a fundamental need for connection with others, but now these coronavirus lockdowns have separated us from one another like never before. Thankfully, many states are now starting to end their lockdowns, but unfortunately this is definitely not the end for “social distancing”. Just as 9/11 greatly altered our society on a permanent basis, many of our social engineers now intend to make “social distancing” a permanent part of our lives. If they have their way, there will be written or unwritten rules about how close you can get to other people virtually everywhere that you go.

Can you imagine a world where you have to constantly be concerned about walking, standing or sitting too close to someone else?

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