Survey Results: Covid-19 is Changing the Way America Lives, Works & Votes

And it will be a long time before we return to ‘normal’. If ever.

by Adam Taggart
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

The data below reflects the findings of a national survey of 3,500 American adults conducted by Azurite Consulting, a tech-enabled consulting firm that uses unique methodologies, on behalf of Peak Prosperity to reveal the specific changes in behavior and sentiment triggered by the coronavirus in US households and businesses. This online survey of the audience was conducted April 17-24, 2020, and is subject to a +/- 1.7 percentage point margin of error at the 95 percent confidence level.

‘All-American Impact Survey’ Three Key Findings

Beyond the high cost in human life already suffered, much of American society — perhaps even the future of the Presidency itself — has fallen victim to the the microscopic covid-19 virus.

So much damage has been done to job security, social norms, and voter trust that it will be years before life returns to the way it was before, if ever. Many of the changes forced on us by the pandemic are looking to be permanent.

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