The Real Cause of World War II Was the Allies Deception of Germany with the 1918 Armistice and the Subsequent Versailles Treaty

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

John Wear and many other historians including David Irving have shown Churchill and Roosevelt’s guilt for World War II. Suvorov has made a strong case that Stalin also was guilty.

The guilt of these three notwithstanding, it was the allied deception that coerced Germany into the Versailles Treaty that made WWII inevitable. The British economist John Maynard Keynes clearly understood this as did Lenin who described the Versailles Treaty as a bomb waiting to explode Europe, an event of which Soviet Russia intended to take advantage.

Germany did not lose WW I on the battlefield. When the war ended, Germany occupied enemy territory. The war ended when Germany, believing American President Woodrew Wilson’s promise of no territorial loss and no reparations, asked for an armistice.

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