Lawsuits Launched Against DNC and Bush Administration

Whether it be the class action lawsuit against the DNC, Saleh v. Bush, or the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission conviction, there remains brave lawyers and prosecutors that are willing to stand up to the neocons, even if such a stand puts them in harm’s way.< by James Corbett
The International Forecaster

On June 28, 2016, the Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee served then-Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman and the DNC itself with a class action lawsuit for rigging the 2016 Democratic primary race in favor of Hillary Clinton.

But the lawsuit did not gain international notoriety until August 2nd, when Shawn Lucas, the process server who served the suit to the DNC, was found dead in his home.

Although Lucas’ unusual (and still unexplained) death has dominated media coverage of the story, missing from this narrative is that the death of this process server has not changed, derailed or stopped the case from proceeding. Jared Beck, the managing partner of the law firm that brought the suit, stopped to discuss the case after an evidentiary hearing late last month.

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