A2A with Willem Middelkoop, Author of "The Big Reset"

by Turd Ferguson
TF Metals Report

Our webinar guest this week was Willem Middelkoop, author of the best-selling book “The Big Reset“. With the Chinese yuan set to be included in the IMF’s SDR at the first of October, this conversation could not have been more timely.

First of all, Willem wrote “The Big Reset” back in 2013 and he updated/revised it in 2015. If you’ve not yet purchased a copy, what are you waiting for? Please use the links provided for this purpose. Additionally, Willem added an extra chapter for free back in August. Here’s the link to the pdf: http://www.cdfund.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/SDR-Special-aug2016-DEF.pdf

Over the course of this call, we tried to hit as many topics as we could in the time we had. Among the issues addressed by Willem:

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