Waiting on the Job Numbers…

by Chris Gaffney
Daily Pfennig

Good morning and happy Friday to everyone. It is infusion confusion/recovery day for Chuck, so this will be another group effort and Frank will get things going for us this morning:

Courtomer, France. Shifting past pure Leninist thinking but retaining some of it’s essence, collectively we really are a bit decadent these days. Does this indicate a decline in the capitalist model – I don’t think so – but maybe the shift to crony capitalism is what he really meant. France certainly has followed his expected path to socialism. Hmmmmm. We were sitting in front of a small café sipping cappuccino’s in a hamlet in Normandy – Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei. It’s convincingly picturesque – amongst the best examples. We contrasted our own light load with that of the peasants / serfs / the future proletariat taking a few years off from subsistence farming to haul the stones up the abrupt hillside to construct the church and fortress. Times change. The design repelled both William the Conqueror, and his ancestor Henry V who was headed to annihilate the French at Agincourt. After all the locals were shooting downhill.

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