The Era of High Yields is Over; Welcome to the “Speculate or Starve” Era

by Sol Palha
Gold Seek

However, no two people see the external world in exactly the same way. To every separate person a thing is what he thinks it is –in other words, not a thing, but a think. – Penelope Fitzgerald

The masses made no noise when central bankers started to flood the system with hot money and are still quiet, so why will the banks stop? There are trillions of dollars that the big players will make and still stand to make before this game is over. We are in the race to the bottom and once a race starts you cannot stop it. So expect the negative rate experiment to be continued and this will continue until the masses revolt. The story below will be heard more often in the months and years to come. Individuals are being forced to speculate in their quest for sustainable yields.

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