Still Report #1088 – NSA Has “All” of Hillary’s Emails

from Bill Still

Good morning, I’m still reporting on Clinton’s deleted emails.
A week ago Julian Assange said:
“When people find out who was responsible for this leak, some people will have egg on their face.”
Well, according to Bill Binney, the world’s foremost authority on the inner workings of the National Security Agency – NSA – the most likely person to have sent the first batch of hacked Clinton emails to Wikileaks was an angry U.S. intelligence worker, not the Russians.
Binney, who worked at NSA for 37 years, did a radio interview on Sunday with “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio”, which airs on AM 970 in New York, and AM 990 in Philadelphia.
Binney held the most important technical position in NSA – Technical Director of the World for the Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting Group.
He said that the NSA has “all” of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. But equally importantly FBI Director Comey has total access to that NSA database where these domestic emails are stored, and can retrieve them, analyze them, and recommend prosecutions from them at any time.
Even more importantly, Comey is cleared to access these files without any further oversight from the NSA.
“So if the FBI really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now.”
This sets up a very interesting problem for Director Comey. Mr. Binney is a force to be reckoned with. He retired in 2001 when he saw that the NSA’s formidable electronic spying capabilities were being turned on the American people.
He fought the NSA for years as probably THE most successful whistleblower in U.S. history. He always carefully avoided the illegal disclosure of any classified information. The Justice Department finally gave up trying to prosecute him and granted Mr. Binney a letter of immunity, so he can now speak freely about his days at NSA – in non-specific – but very revealing terms.
Comey must now answer the inevitable questions from Congress confirming or denying that he has access to the deleted Clinton emails.
If they are really all about yoga classes, then fine, what’s the problem with disclosing them?
Director Comey must also answer whether he knows that he has immediate access to these deleted emails without any NSA administrative oversight.
Should he contradict Mr. Binney, fireworks will erupt, and no one wants to take on Bill Binney, because – like it or not – Binney – by default – represents the hopes of the vast majority of US intelligence workers who WILL support and defend the Constitution of the United States – and will not support the globalist aspirations of a one-world government scheme that only wants a one-world dictatorship.
These folks understand what Hillary Clinton is up to and are very angry about her complete lack of regard for U.S. secrets – blatantly compromising even the most sensitive NSA material.
For example, last March, the Observer published an article revealing that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had disclosed the most sensitive intelligence in NSA – GAMMA material.
GAMMA material in the Clinton emails is so sensitive that they will never be released to the public. Typical material that falls under the GAMMA designation would be decrypted conversations between top foreign leaders.
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Ok, back to our report.
We interviewed Mr. Binney at his home in late June in 2014, then chopped that interview up into a 10-part series starting with SR 288 “NSA’s Bill Binney – Part 1” which ran on June 28, 2014 through Part 10, SR 306, which ran on July 17, 2014.
We will put links to these stories in the Description window below.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

SR 232 – Binney Confirms Snowden – 4.7.14

SR 288 – Binney – Part 1 – 6.28.14