Peter Eliades & Chris Waltzek on GoldSeek Radio – August 3, 2016

by Chris Waltzek
GoldSeek Radio

Peter Eliades of Stockmarket Cycles, returns to the show with insights for every investor – it may be time to reevaluate portfolio weighting, with an emphasis on a more conservative US equities component. From a technical / cyclical vantage point, a key zenith appears to be nearing for US shares. Amid the backdrop of the negative interest rate environment with over $13 in negative yielding sovereign debt worldwide for the first time in economic history; investors / institutions are making risky bets, choosing unparalleled risk, chasing elusive retirement income amid increased overall systematic exposure. Nevertheless, rates will eventually inch higher resulting in potentially cataclysmic outcomes for the global economy, as individuals and governments alike are forced to service impossibly encumbering debt levels.

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