Your Safest & Happiest Life May Not Be Here! | Jeff Berwick

from Reluctant Preppers

If things collapse, should you consider living outside the U.S. to avoid the helpless dependent hoards and legally avoid taxes and regulations as well? What are the benefits of life as a Permanent Traveler / Prior Taxpayer (PT), and what are the essential steps you can take to start living a freer life now?

Jeff Berwick, founder of, Canada’s largest financial website started in 1994, was the CEO and on the board of directors up until 2006. He is now the founder and Chief Editor of The Dollar Vigilante, a free-market financial newsletter focused on covering all aspects of the ongoing financial collapse with information and analysis on investments for safety and for profit during the collapse including investments in gold, silver, energy and agriculture commodities and publicly traded stocks. The Dollar Vigilante covers other aspects including expatriation, both financially and physically and news and info on health, safety and other ways to survive the coming collapse of the US Dollar safely and comfortably.

– Met in-person at the LMS in both Dallas and also in Las Vegas, where Berwick was a panelist on the topic of expatriation: “Fly, You Fools!”

Perpetual Traveler / Prior Taxpayer
– Term coined by Harry Schultz in the 1960s

– See for yourself what’s going on in the world (rather than programming by Mainstream Media)
– Travel the world
– Legally avoid income tax for your lifetime (40-50% annual extortion of your income via taxes and inflation)
– Avoid oppressive interference from government
– Less crime, more safety
– Booming economies vs. stagnation
– Sustainable living, neighbors able to survive, know how to get food vs. helpless dependence on JIT Supply Chain
– Families, Communities, and a culture of helping each other vs. isolating in “bedroom neighborhoods”
– People who have lived through hard times successfully together
– Warmth, generosity & hospitality even to strangers,
– Happy people, children & families even though modest means

How-To Steps:
1. Be aware the life as a PT (Perpetual Traveler / Prior Taxpayer) is a possibility Stop thinking that there’s only one life script you’re “supposed” to follow, Overcome normalcy bias. Travel! – (possibly instead going to college,) Read the book: “The Blind Traveler” by James Holman Let go of fear (except the fear of not trying) Leave the country you are from, live freely Doors will open as you walk down the path – planning isn’t everything The Dollar Vigilante newsletter – 1,000’s of people in hundreds of groups who have already done this.. Talk to the people on those groups. New Book on PT theory Mo’ money, Mo problems – have to plan things out more…

Challenges, Pitfalls and Gotchas…
– How do you: See family – Skype, email, air travel get your mail – email, online banking, FedEx, UPS, DHL Not have a target on your back as a “wealthy outsider”, but hold your assets, keep valuables safe: Precious Metals- store in vaults internationally, BitGold, local lawyer and understand regulations. “” Get along without knowing many languages – Every country has someone who can speak English. Avoid tropical diseases – get good medical care?, Understand how to follow the rules to stay on the right side of the countries you want to be in, Comparative risks more/less

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