Still Report #1019 – 95% Chance Mike Pense Is Trump’s VP Pick

from Bill Still

lass=”” >According to the Washington Times this morning, Indiana Governor Mike Pense has a 95% chance of becoming Donald Trump’s Vice-President pick.
The word comes from Republican insiders in Indiana. Apparently, the conservative Republican Speaker of the Indiana House, Brian Bosma, 58, has sought advice of how to quickly position himself to run for Governor of that state. This comes from an Indiana Republican delegate to the Republican National Convention, Constitutional lawyer James Bopp.
Bopp told the Washington Times on Sunday:
“He wanted my counsel on what he needed to do to set himself up to run for governor, because he expects Pence to step down as governor in order to be Trump’s running mate.”
Trump’s New York headquarters reinforced that speculation when they suddenly added a campaign rally in Indianapolis to a fundraiser planned for Tuesday.
If Governor Pence is to seek re-election in Indiana, he must file his paperwork by Friday’s deadline. Trump had mentioned in the past that he hoped to announce his VP pick at the convention, however Pence’s deadline might have changed his plans.
According to Bopp, who is also a member of the National Convention’s Rules Committee:
“[Scheduling the] rally made it a 95% probability it’s Pence.”
I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day.