Marijuana Industry Finds Unlikely Spokespeople in Athletes and Parents

High-profile advocates give weed a media makeover

by Kathleen Burke
Market Watch

Few industries have been able to change their narratives as drastically as legal marijuana, and it has done so with the help of two sympathetic groups: Football players with a traumatic brain disease and sick children.

Since California first legalized any form of cannabis with its medical marijuana law in 1996, 25 states have legalized cannabis for medical use and four states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, nearly 90% of Americans said they support the legal use of medical marijuana and 54% said that any marijuana use should be legal in the U.S. Just six years ago, 70% of Americans supported legalizing medical marijuana and 46% supported overall legalization, according to Gallup polls.

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