Anthony Wile: Colombia Grants First Cannabis Processing License, Country Poised for Greatness

by Anthony Wile
The Daily Bell

In the long-running global war on drugs, arguably no country in the world has suffered more than Colombia, where I have been doing business and living part-time for over 15 years. Violence, poverty, fear, destruction of families and communities, political upheaval, economic chaos – the black market has wreaked havoc throughout this beautiful land.

But today, the courageous and forward-looking leadership of Colombia has taken another giant step on its path to turning a drug that was previously so damaging into a force for global good. The Ministry of Heath has granted the nation’s first license for the production and manufacturing of cannabis for medical and scientific purposes. This first license was awarded to PharmaCielo Ltd., a Canadian corporation with operational headquarters in Colombia. As long-time Daily Bell readers and those following my work at The Wile Group know, I am a director of the PharmaCielo Foundation and a private investor in PharmaCielo Ltd.

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