17 Facts About the Orlando Shooter That Every American Should Know

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

America is in shock. On Sunday, a 29-year-old Islamic terrorist named Omar Mateen shot 102 people at a gay club known as Pulse in the heart of Orlando, Florida. 49 of those that were shot died, and 53 were wounded. So how in the world did this happen? Well, when you combine radical political correctness with extreme government incompetence and the dramatic growth of radical Islam inside the United States, you create an environment which is absolutely primed for Islamic terror. The truth is that the FBI knew about this guy well in advance. In fact, they had even interviewed him three separate times over the years. And at one point the government had been investigating the mosque that he had been attending, but that investigation was shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Mateen had told the FBI that he hoped to be a martyr someday, and those were not just idle words. His twisted ideology fueled his actions, and so the choices that he ultimately made should not have come as a surprise to law enforcement authorities. But now that this has happened, will it change the way that the government approaches Islamic terror? The following are 17 facts about the Orlando shooter that every American should know…

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