Russia and China Buy Tons of Gold Getting Ready for Dollar Collapse

from Pravda Report

Russia and China buy gold to get rid of the weakening dollar. The weakening of the US dollar will become even more noticeable. Increasing their gold reserves, Moscow and Beijing make their economies stronger, the Spanish newspaper El Pais wrote.

According to the publication, central banks of Russia and China have been buying a lot of gold recently. During the past 15 months China has increased its gold reserves by 70% to 1,700 tons, becoming the world’s sixth country with largest reserves of gold. Russia’s gold reserves have grown by 21 percent to 1,460 tons.

During the crisis, the price of gold grows, El Pais says. Demand for gold remains stable. From 2009 to 2015, China was buying 6-8 tons of gold a month, but in the summer of 2015, the country doubled its appetite for the precious metal.

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