Why I Am Not A Feminist | Janice Fiamengo and Stefan Molyneux

from Stefan Molyneux

MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3254/why…
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneu…

Janice Fiamengo joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the true origin of feminism, the rise of victim culture, the invasion of college campuses by social justice warriors, false rape accusations, sexuality without commitment, the myth of gender as a social construct and the lure of moral nihilism.

Dr. Janice Fiamengo is a Professor at the University of Ottawa and is host of the popular “Fiamengo File” YouTube Series.

The Fiamengo File: Season 1

The Fiamengo File: Season 2

For more from Dr. Fiamengo, go to: https://twitter.com/janicefiamengo and http://www.studiobrule.com

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