Anatomy of a Jubilee PsyOp: How Elites Justify Global Taxation

by Jeff Berwick
Dollar Vigilante

In this article I will explain how the Panama Papers leak, an appearance by Alan Greenspan on national television and a Spring Meeting (of the IMF and World Bank down in Washington DC) create an argument for global taxation.

It’s not something I intended to write about, but the pieces fell into place yesterday and provide us with an object lesson about the way the world works. Actually, I’m writing this on April 14, a very timely tax extortion day for Americans.

It is all part of the Jubilee 2016 phenomenon we are tracking. The current Jubilee Year is part of our larger Shemitah Trends analysis that we began in 2015. If you have not looked at our latest Jubilee Year 2016 viral video HERE, please do so as soon as possible.

2016 is the designated year to ensure the elite globalist expansion is more fully put in place. Various wars, political tumult and market disasters are ensuring that the right incidents happen at the right time.

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