Still Report #701 – Obama Jabs Cruz on Eligibility

from Bill Still

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Good evening. I’m still reporting on politics.
On Thursday evening, Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the White House and at a State Dinner, President Obama made some comments that surprisingly took a jab at the citizenship issue of Ted Cruz:
“This visit has been a celebration of the values that we share.“
Let’s interrupt Obama’s remarks to fill in with a little detail as to just what he and the Prime Minister of Canada may be sharing.
Trudeau has not denied assertions in the Canadian press that he is actually a Muslim convert. Here is why.
According to a video entitled: The Truth About Justin Trudeau and the Liberals that appeared on Oct. 18 – the day before the election – while at a Montreal mosque, Trudeau was photographed participated in a prayer ritual reserved for practicing muslims or those seeking admittance to the Islamic faith – the Maghrib salah.
Part of the prayer is the shahada, which in Arabic means to testify to the Truth that Allah is the one true God, and Mohammed is his one true Prophet.
The truth is that saying the shahada in the presence of two or more Muslim men is the sole requirement in Islamic law to convert to Islam.
We covered this extensively in Still Report #488. Here’s the link.
Now, let’s return to President Obama’s quote:
“We as a people are committed to the principles of equality and opportunity — the idea that if you work hard and play by the rules, you can make it, if you try – no matter what the circumstances of your birth.”
Then Obama made this remarkable sarcastic jab at Cruz:

I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.