Still Report #673 – Minnesota: #1 With Rubio & Jihadists

from Bill Still

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Good afternoon. I’m still reporting on the invasion.
I noticed with dismay last night when the various networks were listing the top 4 or 5 concerns of Americans according to the polls that only 8% mentioned “immigration.”
That’s disturbing. I think immigration should be the #1 issue concerning every American. In fact, I just wonder if these polls were not some of those artificial issue polls we talked about a week ago because it’s a big issue with everyone I talk to.
The following quote is taken from an actual screenshot of a jihadi off of Facebook, Hassan Hakani:
How can this NOT concern you? They are bringing war to Europe. They will absolutely inevitably bring war to the United States.
In fact, the rumor among my wife’s friends this morning is that the reason little Marco won in Minnesota last night is that he is still a lover of the Gang of 8’s amnesty proposals and Minnesota has a significant Muslim immigrant population, and perhaps has sent the most Muslims to fight with ISIS.
In 2006, Minnesota was the first state to send a Muslim to Congress.
Last night, of the three major candidates, Little Amnesty Marco won 37% of the vote, Cruz 29%, and Trump came in third with only 21%
Minnesota Muslims now openly say they want Shariah Law.
Dozens of Muslims from the Cedar Riverside section of Minneapolis – the home of the University of Minnesota, have traveled to join ISIS and the Somali terror group, Al-Shabab.
Many would-be terrorists have been arrested trying to go join the Islamic fight in the Middle East, and there has been no shortage of newspaper articles and magazines asking the question: Why are there Jihadists in Minnesota?
I’m still reporting on the invasion. Good day.