EPIC RANT: Fed Up American Explains Why Trump Will Win: “Somebody With Balls”

by Mac Slavo

You may not agree with everything this guy stands for, but you have to respect his candor and principles for blatantly calling out the system for what it is.

But this epic rant explains in 4 minutes why Trump is unstoppable, and Americans are done with the way things have been.

Common sense has been sacrificed for a whiny, liberal la-la-land where the State can arrest or silence anyone it pleases for hurting someone’s feelings or saying “taboo” words.

But Outlaw Morgan doesn’t give a F-@* about that. His viral and foul-mouthed rant is as close to the sentiments of the people as it gets. They are fed up, and pissed off – and for that reason, Trump will win.

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