Patrick Crow – Don’t Use Debit Cards, and Watch Out For Gas Station Skimmers (Episode 14)

from The Identity Theft Warriors

Patrick Crow is COO of, and a leading expert on identity theft, the fastest growing crime in America.

It’s no secret that identity theft is out of control. Allison Spadafore, 30, was charged Monday with 45 counts of identity fraud, 15 counts of criminal tools, two counts of money laundering, two counts of misuse of credit card, one count of attempted misuse of credit card and one count of obstructing official business.

Next, the IRS has started a cyber-crimes unit to fight income tax refund fraud… It’s probably too little too late.

Finally, Patrick talks about the devastating effects of the recent federal data breach of the Office of Personnel Management. Is it the equivalent of a digital Pearl Harbor? It could be, the information is so extensive and invasive and could compromise thousands of agents and government employees with security clearances.

You can follow Patrick, here.

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